Thoughts About the Lunar New Year 2023
When the Meiji Emperor of Japan decided to dispense with the Lunar New Year in 1873 as a part of his efforts to "westernize" Japan, he clearly could not foresee the modern-day significance that the Lunar New Year would someday hold for the East Asian diaspora worldwide. From Sydney to London, New York to Vancouver, and all places in between, the Lunar New Year serves as a cultural touchpoint shared by most East Asian people and a point of cultural pride. Neither could my 8-year-old childhood self, growing up in Ohio and Connecticut, fully comprehend the extraordinary complexity behind why Japanese Americans feel so darn excluded from the Lunar New Year celebrations. Because baked into that complexity is a painful history that starts in China: How could my parents possibly explain China's Century of Humiliation and the extraordinary pressure the 1873 emperor must have surely felt to emulate the imperial powers that subjugated non-white people at that time? How could my parents possibly explain the tension between Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans to this day, predicated on the atrocious war crimes of the Japanese government during World War II? To my 8-year-old self, Lunar New Year sucked: already an outcast among white folk, I had no cause to celebrate among my fellow Asian American siblings either.
Japanese Americans, in particular, live at a unique intersection. The majority of Japanese Americans are descendants of Japanese citizens who immigrated prior to World War II. And actually, the vast majority of those Japanese citizens who immigrated did so prior to World War l as well. Most of us feel zero loyalty to the Japanese emperor and yet the emperor's role remains explicitly defined in the post-war constitution as a symbol of the Japanese people, which includes Japanese Americans. Japanese Americans must reconcile the fact that our heritage nation-state committed wicked atrocities in the name of the emperor, whose own role and personal knowledge of those atrocities remain debatable. Doing being Asian American in the United States takes on a dimension of pan-Asia solidarity, but to a significant degree, the unique history of Japan as the first industrialized power in East Asia coupled with Japan's war crimes complicates our ability to seamlessly move in Asian American spaces where Korean Americans, Vietnamese Americans, and Chinese Americans enjoy some amount of mutual understanding.
If I could travel back in time to 1873, might I fall on my hands and knees before the Meiji Emperor? A part of me believes I would. But not as an act of reverence; my body would fall in an effort to plead with him my case that the Japanese people will lose a precious cultural link in dispensing with the Lunar New Year. And yet a part of me cannot help but wonder if the Japanese self-exclusion from Lunar New Year serves an important purpose in our modern world. As Lunar New Year approaches, comes, and goes, the Lunar New Year reminds us of our unique history, the malleability of tradition to suit deliberate purposes, and in that vein offers hope that tradition need not limit our agency to define who we are in the world.
Japanese people pound and eat mochi on the (solar) new year and what that means is up to us as a part of the diaspora outside of Japan. Surely, my ancestors in Meiji Japan could not imagine mochi pounding as a part of the Japanese American community experience, but neither could they imagine the course of human events that would see Asian Americans of vastly different cultures unite in solidarity behind racial injustice in the United States.
Perhaps 1999, not 1873, would be a more useful year to travel to. In 1999, I could tell my childhood self that Lunar New Year is a time for all of us to reflect on our traditions and to interrogate those traditions for the meaning they hold, the meaning we want them to hold, and how our clinging to them or not helps to shape our identities in the world. But alas, we cannot travel but one direction in the space of time. As our understanding evolves, we may feel tempted to criticize our childhood selves but my feelings in 1999 were valid. And your feelings now are valid too. The new year, lunar or not, reminds us that time is indeed linear in one direction. We can only move forward and traditions cannot turn back what has passed. But traditions do link the past with the present and as we interrogate and unpack their meanings, we better understand our place in the world at this moment now. So I wish all of my friends a happy 2023 (year of the rabbit), no matter how you choose to celebrate it.